Islam: Religion of Health, Not Submission


“Islam: Religion of Health, Not Submission” dives deeply and expertly into the meaning of the word “Islam.” For the first time, it opens a window into the forgotten essence of Islam. This book introduces a scientific and practical way of understanding the religion and its rules. This way, any Muslim with any level of education can distinguish truth from superstition. It is argued that the word “Islam” is a name that God ordered his prophet Muhammad to choose. This emphasis on choosing the name of the religion is full of meaning, which unfortunately has not investigated adequately throughout history. Given the emphasis on the name of the religion in the Quran, this book goes into etymological, scientific, and historical detail to shed light on the real meaning of Islam.

Islam – The Way of Health

What is the meaning of Islam? Does it mean submission? Islam is religion of health not submission. This book proves literally that Islam does not mean submission at all. Reasoning is based on knowledge, wisdom, and evidence. No scholar is able to reject it by any scientific reason or logic of Qur’an. This book reveals an absolute and undeniable fact that had been hidden amidst the lost reality of religions. Islam is the way of health.

In this book, the meaning of Islam has been investigated from an etymological point of view. The term ‘Islam’ (‘اسلام’) is rooted from ‘سلم’ which means “entering to health” and it has become transitive by taking it to “باب الافعال”. Therefore its literal meaning is “making healthy and giving health”.

The Islam religion means “the way of making healthy and giving health and avoiding harm”. This is the truth meaning of Islam. Name is the main representative of a school of thought, especially about Islam religion, which according to the Muslim’s beliefs, God himself has determined its name in the holy book of Qur’an[1]. The name of Islam reflects the structure, basic concept and content of the religion. Every rule and command of the Islam religion has to follow this structure, and results in health. Everyone who hears the truth meaning of Islam realizes what this way is. What he/she has to avoid and what should do.

This book discusses historically why this meaning has been concealed throughout the history; the most important reason is the warrior spirit of Muslims during the first decades after its prophet’s death. While based on Islamic faith, followers, leaders, and Islamic societies should not do anything that leads to harm or hurt in family, society, and nature.

It is demonstrated how fruitful this new meaning could be. In such Islamic society: 1) suicide, war, and despotism is denounced. 2) Protecting the environment is the most significant feature. 3) Gaining knowledge and cognition, freedom of thought and speech are most admirable behaviors.

[1] Al imranSurah, verse 85- MaidahSurah, Verse 3


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